A day of grace: FIRST FRIDAY of every month. Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions from 12 - 5 pm
Our Choir

Do you love to sing?
Have you considered joining the choir? The choir is looking for members and welcoming singers of all ages. Let this year be the year you join the choir. Matching pitch is a must; reading music is a plus, playing an instrument is a plus plus! Arabic and Syriac is presented in phonetics, so don’t let that stop you!
Rehearsals are: Saturday 3:00 to 4:30 pm.
Please speak to any choir member.

When anyone uses their talent, at whatever level that may be, to perform music in church, it should be viewed as an offering to God, not a performance for the
congregation. A church choir should be described in terms of its commitment. Rather than counting how many people stand in the choir loft each week, we would be better served in our appreciation of their worship by counting the hours they have practiced. The choir is one of the most visible and essential roles a layperson can fulfill in a church. It’s a shame that we tend to only show appreciation to our choir by a round of applause or even a standing ovation once or twice a year. Maybe we should simply put forth more effort during congregational singing, and chant along during the time of worship, and have an active role in participating in the worship led by the choir, each and every time.
Cheers & Thank you! To our choir here at St. Anthony of Padua, led by Mrs. Mounira Francis & Dr. Edouard Feghali, with organists Dr. Ghad Ghastine, Mr. Allen Waulligman, Mr. Jeehan Park, with the participation of Ms. Hana Chemaly, Mr. Anthony Chemaly, Mrs. Stephanie Dagher, Ms. Bella Driggers, Ms. Julianna Elfar, Ms. Eliana Francis, Mrs. Yolla Frenn, Ms. Joyce Ghali, Ms. Christina Khamis, Ms. Michelle Mezher, Mr. Joe Sowma, Ms. Rebecca Thome.
We say Thank you, choir members here and
everywhere, for all your hard work.
Our lives are enriched by your gifts!